Ambush Algorithms to Drive Growth

Ambush Algorithms to Drive Growth

I’m fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. This evening I took my daughter to her music class. I enjoy it because music is such a passion of mine. It provides me with an opportunity to influence her taste. After all, a person can only listen to Taylor Swift so many times before 🤪🤡💀

(Thankfully, tonight she was all about “that Beastie Boys song from the Mario movie.” She digs the White Stripes-wants to be a drummer. There is hope yet…)

On our way home we began discussing why days get longer and then shorter, how we know the earth is round and that someday this world will end (Relax… I’m not red-pilling my daughter, I told her that Earth’s demise was millions or billions of years from now).

It led me to have a moment of clarity: how amazing it is that I’m alive. That any of us are alive. That this ball of rocks and gas hurtling through ever-infinite space somehow sustains life? Mysteries are wondrous to ponder. Unless you’re talking about social media algorithms.

Deciphering a social media algorithm can feel like trying to pin down air. Or solve a Rubik’s Cube that’s adjusting to your moves. Or figure out why socks go missing in the laundry (how does that ALWAYS happen!?!?).

One thing is apparent, though — as algorithms increasingly favor interest over connection, it’s vital that brands find ways to ambush them. It’s all about reach over relevance. And that means “niche-ing down” to create content that connects with smaller, more hardcore groups of people.

Last week, I wrote about how to identify and co-create with ambassadors and creators within niches to drive relevance. Today, we delve into the art of ambushing the algorithms on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube via a brand’s self-published content. With a bit of cunning, a dash of strategy, and a smidgen of patience, I’ll reveal why targeting niche audiences is your ticket to social media supremacy.

First, let's peek behind the curtain at the all-powerful algorithms of our favorite platforms. They’re mysterious, complex, and frustratingly elusive, much like trying to understand why people willingly eat tofu. Here’s a breakdown of how these digital deities evaluate and promote content:

TikTok: Imagine a hyperactive toddler with a short attention span. TikTok’s algorithm focuses on instant gratification, rewarding content that captures immediate engagement. It’s a game of rapid fire; if your video doesn’t hook viewers within the first few seconds, it’s sent to the graveyard 🪦.

Instagram: Picture a snobby, self-important Star Wars stan, but in 1s and 0s. Instagram values engagement from your followers, especially if they regularly interact with your content. It loves a good aesthetic and pushes visually appealing posts, interactive Stories, and engaging Reels to the forefront. The more users engage with your content, the more likely they are to see it again.

YouTube: Think of YouTube’s algorithm as a marathon runner, slowly but surely pushing forward. It prioritizes watch time, viewer retention, and engagement. A video with a high average watch duration and a flood of comments will thrive. Plus, SEO plays a crucial role—titles, descriptions, and tags are the magic words here.

The through-line between attention capture, follower engagement and watch time? Relevance.

You might be wondering, “Why should I bother with niche audiences when I could aim for the masses?” Excellent question, dear reader. Here’s why going niche is akin to choosing a high-quality, artisanal coffee over a generic instant blend:

Deep Engagement: Niche audiences are like die-hard fans of a cult classic film—they’re passionate, engaged, and fiercely loyal. General content might attract a wider audience, but niche content fosters a community. These dedicated followers are more likely to interact with your content, boosting its visibility.

Algorithmic Favor: Algorithms thrive on engagement. A smaller, highly engaged audience can generate more meaningful interactions than a larger, disinterested one. This interaction tells the algorithm your content is valuable, promoting it to more users.

Reduced Competition: The digital landscape is saturated with general content. By focusing on a specific niche, you face less competition, making it easier to stand out. It’s like being the only bakery in a town full of diet enthusiasts—you’ll attract all the sweet-toothed customers.

Expert Authority: Consistently creating content for a niche positions you as an authority in that area. This builds trust and credibility, encouraging more engagement and shares.

Now, let’s arm you with some strategies to conquer these fidgety algorithms:

Hook ’Em Fast: The first few seconds of your video are crucial. Use a compelling hook to grab attention immediately. Think of it as speed dating—if you don’t impress right away, it’s game over.

TrendJack Intelligently: Ride the wave of trending topics and culture that are relevant to your story. This makes your content more discoverable and also validates the viewer identifying with it. I’m NOT saying you should be a Desperate Housewife jumping into every conversation. You’ve gotta pick your spots.

Engage with the Community: Don’t be a ghost. Actively respond to comments and DMs. Interaction fosters community and signals to the algorithm that your content is worth promoting. Engaging with other users’ content increases your visibility and taps into their audience. It’s the digital equivalent of networking, minus the awkward small talk and incessant sales pitches 😑.

Speak the Right Language: Use relevant hashtags and craft engaging captions. This increases discoverability and invites interaction. Think of hashtags as breadcrumbs leading users to your content. Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Use keywords that your target audience is searching for. It's the equivalent of hanging a neon sign on your content that says, “Good Stuff Here!”

Consistency is Key: Post regularly. Consistency helps build an audience and keeps you fresh in the algorithm’s mind. Think of it as watering a plant—you need to keep at it to see growth. Algorithms are like a weird digital Santa Claus. It sees you when you’re trying too hard, it knows when you’re away.

It all comes back to having a clear positioning and messaging strategy to drive your flywheel. This gives you a clear blueprint to ID niches of people or entities of influence within them. After that, it’s time to experiment-rapidly and continually.

So, there you have it—a comprehensive battle plan for ambushing the algorithms. By focusing on niche audiences, creating high-quality, engaging content, and leveraging platform-specific features, you can outsmart the algorithms and achieve social media greatness.

And then maybe you can help me explain latitude and longitude to a six-year-old.